The Chapter
A confession :/
Rindu rumaaaaaaaaaaaah. Mama, nak balik rumah. Rindu nak main basikal dengan amir petang petang. Rindu nak main helicopter dengan amir malam malam. Rindu nak tidur bilik sendiri. Rindu nak mandi dalam shower sendiri. Rindu nak tengok tv kat rumah sendiri. Rindu Terngganu. Rindu keropok lekor. Rindu mama. Rindu ayah. Rindu Wan. Rindu kakak. Rindu assila. Rindu Amir. Nak holiday kat rumah sendiri :( Oh rindu Kuantan jugak. Nak ikut aunty sue ambik wan kat Kuantan tapi nnti tak muat kereta. Barang bnyk. Bibik yang menyusahkan hidup tu dah nak balik. Sedihnyaaaaaaa nak baliiiiiiiik :'(
p/s : Tiba tiba kan rumah aku ni nampak comel tapi aku lagi comel hihi :3
W H Y ?
Why you do this to me? Why? Why must me? Its so hard to accept this fact but I have to. I have to cause I know I'm not the choosen one. Its okay I understand :/ Hmm
No one can replace you. No one. Thanks for the memories and oh thanks for the birthday present. Really appreciate it. Gah I miss you. Kbyeeeeee <3
p/s : 143 untill Jannah <3 haha lol
Nothing lasts forever

Hello pretty miraz :) One day he will realize the huge mistake he made when he let you go. Miraz, sakit hati aku baca tweet kau, semua tweet sedih sedih. Kau niiiii, jangan tunjuk kat dia that you're weak lah. Alah kumbang bukan seekor. Sorang blah 10 beratur, hotsetap kan :P Don't be sad baby, you are not alone. The past can't ever change, move on and get excited for the future. You still have us :D
See you still have us right. Urgh, I look like a mad women and joyah and mak limah yang becok nak jual barang -.- Haha
Create The Future We Want -.-
Once Upon A Time
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